After completing the foundation courses, continue along the community path, joining chosen mastery communities that match your particular interest and learning and action goals.
Includes: online connection and regeneration skills mastery training, monthly community webinars, yearly place-based 4 day Camino Quest experiences, local connection and regeneration land-based communities, and the Community Facilitator program and 8 day experience supporting 'Thriving Futures' youth education.
The Community Path is the learning and action route for Global CarePac adult community members.
The Thriving Futures Foundation Course will give you an understanding of the Global CarePac Program principles and structure. The Advanced Global CarePac courses perpare you to successfully contribute toward thriving futures.
The Community Communities offer Mastery programs offers online connection and regeneration specialist mastery courses you can choose depending on your interests, skills, and learning and action goals.
5 online courses - self paced​​
weekly community discussion webinars on lesson topics
build skillsknowledge and practical applications of regenerative and community building pronciples.
Skills mastery courses with mentoring and group cohort support
Effective regenrative action intiative; Land-based community connections
Elder training network, supporting Thriving Futures Youth Education
Annual 4 day Camino Quest experiences at 8 regional locations. ​
Annual 8 day Global Connections Skills and Community Facilitation Experience at 8 regional locations.
8 locations - Canada - Spain - Morocco - UK - Thailand - Malaysia - Mexico - Belize​
3 transdiciplinary domains cover the range of knowledge, skills, and experience essential to realize our potential to thrive across generations. Our connection to our communites, the relationships between communities, our connection to our environments, and our connection to the unknown. All these relationships require understanding and skill-sets so that we can build, maintain and regenerate our communities into the future. ​

Hands, Feet, and Head/Moral Courage
Tools/Gender Relations
Symbols/Storytelling for Change
Tracking/Economic Relations
Fire/Regenerative Households
Elders/Family & Childhood Relations
Prosociality/Universe Referent Citizenship
Trees and Survival
Birds and The Unknown
Hazardous Species and Safety
Motivating Species and Passion
Plant Nutrition/Healing
Ecology and rehabilitation
Heritage Skills and Elders
Freedom /Child Development
Observation/Cross-Species Comparisons
Regeneration/Governing The Commons
Land/Ancient Ancestors
Intelligences/Cultural Rivers
Families/Our Minds
Experience/Cooperation Games
24 Days of Nature Activites
Sponsor Global Partners
100 Mile Harvest
Regenerative Chef